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Saturday, February 14, 2009

BAG007 Her Little Pie

This is another multiple-use bag! It looks like an ordinary handbag but it's more than that. Though it is small, it has a total of 11 compartments within it! This colour is young and fresh. Its leather-like material made it comfortable to be used and touched. You don't want to be holding a huge bag around but wish to fit tonnes of stuff into it?! This is definitely your choice!
Item Code: BAG007
Colour: Fresh Green
Material: Leather-like
Design: As shown above
Compartment: 11
Accessories: 2 strips - long & short
Status: available
RM 43 only
[Note: the colour varies a bit in the first few pictures due to the lighting. the true colour is the one when it is carried by the model.]

1 comment:

  1. The emerald color of that bag looks divine.

    I work in holief
